Tag Archives: Listening

A question I’ve been asked now a number of times amidst our world chaos. Rightfully so. With all the media propaganda, fake news, everyone’s opposing opinion and different agendas, it’s very confusion trying to decipher whats what and what or who to believe.
What if I told you that there is one source you can always trust and listen to, a source that has your best interest in mind, and that will never steer you wrong?
Who is it? What outlet is it? Which agency? Which news station? …you might ask. It’s nothing and no one external of you.
It’s your HIGHER SELF!
Your higher self knows the present, past and future.
Your higher self knows YOU, like no other. It knows all your likes and dislikes, your fears and your blind spots. It knows your soul’s journey and your purpose, where you are headed and what lessons you need to learn to get there. And it always has your best interest in mind. It is your TRUE NORTH compass.
It is the ONLY SOURCE you should be listening to!
It doesn’t mean you can’t hear what other’s are saying. But you should always be running the data or opinion through your true north compass and properly evaluating it and allowing your higher self to steer you in the right direction.
The challenge comes in when we don’t know how to listen to our higher self. When we don’t trust ourselves. Quite often the soul is too cluttered with unresolved pain experiences to “hear” the messages from our true north compass. It is being overpowered by messages from our fear and ego. It takes a bit of skill knowing which aspect of ourselves to listening to. …or how to even recognize that it is our fear and ego talking. Quite frankly it boggles my mind how many people actually think that they have no fear, which to me is the equivalent of saying you have no ego or that ego has no influence in your life.
The unresolved pain in our vibration taints our perception of reality…. and renders us unable to view situations from a place of neutrality. This is the very reason why two people can be looking at the same thing and see completely different things.
The key to listening to our higher self is to first de-clutter our soul and establish a clearer communications path with our higher self (our spirit). Then we must learn to distinguish between ego talking (which includes fear) and our higher self talking. It requires a level of descernment between lower and higher vibration energies within ourselves and a great amount of honesty with ourselves.
You can achieve that level of communication with your higher self. And when you do, there is nothing that will throw you off.
In fact, it is paramount that you do … achieve that kind of communication with your higher self. As the world gets even more chaotic, you’ll want that kind of guidance from you higher self, your true north compass. This is the only way to insure that you don’t get lost.
If you wish to understand how to de-clutter your soul and how you can achieve this level of communication, watch the 12 min video below where I talk about the non-traditional sense of healing.
Much love…