Tag Archives: matching our vibration with the planet’s

Why it is Important to Align with the Increasing Vibration of our Planet

Think the world is acting kind of crazy these days? Here is why…

The vibrations are gradually increasing on our planet. The higher the vibration the more it is flushing out the unresolved pain we carry, which manifesting itself in our daily lives through our experiences.  Thus all the talk about Fascism, Nazism, Racism, homophobia, you name it.  These are old energies rising that are in need of resolution.  We can blame other people, we can lash out in anger, we can protest, scream or shout our dissatisfaction, but it will not change anything.  Certainly it will not raise your vibration, most likely it will lower it even further.

As Dolores Cannon put it rightly, eventually the planet will separate into two versions of itself through vibration.  One will remain in the lower 3D consciousness of fear and negativity as it is now, while a whole “New Earth” will be created of a 5D consciousness that will resonate with positive vibrations and awakening.  In order to move into the 5D Earth, raising your vibration is one of the most important things you can do at this time.

The difference will be in how we experience the world, which is already happening.  When we vibrate low we attract and experience more of the low vibration energies, such as hate, anger, depression, apathy, fear, worry, anxiety, stress and so forth.  We also experience more illness.  When we vibrate high we experience and attract more of the high vibration energies such as love, joy, and peace.  We also experience less illness, and we are able to manifest more of the nice things we want.

So, how do we increase our personal vibration to keep up with the plant’s?  The most effective professional advanced method I have found is healing your past unresolved pain.  Pain vibrates at a low frequency.  Thus the planet’s increasing vibrations forces more of our unresolved pain to surface, evident in the situations and circumstances of our daily lives and how we experience them, in a negative or positive light.  What most people don’t know is that we manifest with our unresolved pain.  Basically, we create more of that which we fear.  Thus healing unresolved past pain, including past lives, acts as if off loading sacks of potatoes.  And as we let go of past pain by integrating our experiences, we rise vibrationally. We in essence become lighter and vibrate at a higher frequency.

Those who continuously work to increase their vibration to match the planet’s will have a smoother road ahead and will find themselves at more peace, while for others things may get more intense as vibrations increase.

Energetically, we are moving from a fear-based existence to a love-based one.  However, this does not mean to ignore our fear and pretend to be loving in the name of political correctness.  No amount of pretending will change your vibration, even if you have genuine love in your heart.  Generally we manifest that which is in our energetic field, which includes all the unresolved pain we carry.   Fear comes from our unresolved pain and is a part of our energetic makeup until such time that we heal it.

                               …from the wisdom of the rising Phoenix.

I look forward to working with those who are ready to move into the higher vibration and a love-based existence, and who desire to experience a smoother road ahead, filled with joy, peace and love.


Call me for your evaluation today!
