Category Archives: A Series

Not to be confused with your EGO.        How do you know the difference?
Check out my recent e-book “Accelerate Your Spiritual Awakening & Transformation”.
Unfortunately too many of us are disconnected from our spirit or higher self. We don’t listen to the messages we are receiving or can’t hear them. Or we are running off the messages from our EGO self, which is coming from a place of fear, only steering us in the wrong direction.
Fortunately there is a way to reconnect with your spirit and higher self, your true north compass, that will NEVER lead you astray, that has your absolute best interest in mind, and that knows you and your journey and what you need better than anyone else.
It will guide you in your health, love, your divine destiny, money, whether or not you should be taking a vaccine…
There is no time like now to reconnect with your higher self for correct and safe guidance.
I describe this very process of reconnecting with your higher self and how to follow it’s guidance in my e-book.
Get it now! I extended the time of the 90% discount. Get it while it lasts!
In light of all that is happening in our world these days… Covid-19 pandemic and all the changes that are affecting ALL of us, the biggest FEAR that the “oppressors” of humanity have is that YOU will discover just how POWERFUL you are!
This is WHY they are shutting down our communication platforms, WHY they are requiring us to wear masks (shutting us up), to social distance, etc., anything to isolate us from each other.
We are powerful in numbers. We are powerful together. And we need a certain number of us to get to a tipping point to shift our common reality.
Notice how they keep feeding the FEAR frenzy by talking about new Virus strains all the time. It’s never over. Viruses will ALWAYS exist. The reason it is so powerful to keep you in FEAR is because you are incapacitated in the low vibration (FEAR is very low on the vibrational/emotional tone scale).
But what you may not know is that they cannot hook you, unless you have a hook to be hooked with. In other words, they cannot cause you to fear unless you already have a fear. And you don’t have to be trembling in your boots to carry fear in your vibration. Fear simply comes from our unresolved pain. Sometimes we don’t even know we have it and yet we act from a place of fear without even realizing.
Here is where your power lies. You can simply heal your unresolved pain and thereby get rid of your hook, which incidentally will also cause you to rise in vibration and into your power. When enough of us are in that place of our power and we cannot be hooked with FEAR, WE WILL SHIFT REALITY.
They completely underestimate the POWER of your SPIRIT! And so do YOU!
In the next few days, I will be rolling out a special deal for my E-BOOK on how to Accelerate Your Spiritual Awakening & Transformation, which is the key to YOU helping change our common reality. We need enough people (a tipping point) to shift our reality.
There is no exemption for YOU in terms of creating our common reality. You are either contributing to how we are experiencing our reality right now or you are contributing to creating something different. You are either wearing a mask or you are not wearing a mask. There is no in between. You are either complying with all the mandates put in front of you, or you are not.
But you have to do more than just fight it outwardly. You have to change it in your vibration. Because you are creating your / our reality with what is in your vibration.
If you have FEAR in your vibration (unresolved pain – even from past lifetimes), you are contributing to the present time FEAR pandemic.
Want to help change the world? You must change it in yourself!
Stay tuned for more….
We are right now in a spiritual WAR for humanity.
Wearing masks isn’t the solution. It is the problem.
Vaccines aren’t the solution. They are the problem.
Social Distancing isn’t the solution. It is the problem.
Disconnecting from each other through wearing masks, social distancing and lock downs isn’t the solution. It is the problem.
Connecting with our higher spiritual power is the solution.
Healing our unresolved past and rising in vibration is the solution.
If you are experiencing dark night of the soul, you are in the awakening process. But you don’t have to get stuck there.
What if there was a way to accelerate your spiritual awakening and transformation?
Your gifts are needed. Your spiritual power is needed. Your fight is needed. YOU are needed in the game….
Stay tuned for more…

I will never forget when I hit a wall, right after my initial spiritual awakening, while entertaining the possibility of becoming a spiritual healer.  It is probably an understatement to say that the wall I hit was the size of the wall of China.  The fear was so paralyzing, I couldn’t even make a call to simply talk about my new idea.

Believe me when I say that I know all about FEAR and connecting with the dark unresolved parts of yourself experiencing DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL, and about being disconnected from your SPIRITUAL POWER, feeling all alone and petrified to use your DIVINE GIFTS, and mortified of your financial future.

And yet, I have now been in the spiritual healing industry for 15+ years and have helped hundreds of people improve all areas of their lives.  I have walked the path you are facing.  I know what it takes to get to the other side of the darkness and to step into your power and your light.

Has 2020 left you overwhelmed and unemployed, wondering what your future might hold?  Are you petrified by the uncertainty of your future?

Do you have divine gifts, but are afraid to use them, for fear of what people might think or that they might think you are crazy?

Are you struggling with Dark Night of the Soul?

Are you suffering from emotional, mental, or physical pain?

Are you overwhelmed and confused?

Are you having difficulty connecting with the wounded parts of yourself?

Do you have difficulty telling the difference between your intuition and your EGO self?

Is your world coming apart by its seams?

Have you been working on yourself and been to a number of different healers and yet your old patterns keep resurfacing?

Do you find yourself wishing for an instruction booklet?

Do you feel like you have so much to offer the world, but you don’t know how to make a difference, and you feel you need to get yourself right first?

No worries, to everything negative that happens there is always a positive side, even if you don’t know what it is yet.  Why not take control of your future and make 2021 your best year yet?  It’s not up to your politicians.  It’s up to you!

Imagine feeling confidence instead of fear, living in peace with joy in your heart, knowing that you have divine protection for yourself and your work and that spirit always has your back.

Imagine if you could work from the comfort of your home, reaching people all over the world, setting your own hours and how much you want to earn, while improving people’s lives and making the world a better place.

If I can do it, so can you!   You don’t have to keep struggling endlessly.  You can live a fulfilled and meaningful life where everything flows with ease, where you earn your value, where you have the confidence you need, where you can stand your ground in the face of criticism, where you are aligned with your soul purpose and your divine destiny. 

Contact me if you want to find out more. I can point you in the right direction. There are people who need you, who are waiting for you and your guidance.

I am so blessed to be living my Divine Destiny and I want to help others do the same, especially in these uncertain and challenging times.

Follow me for more… I’ll be sharing more information in the upcoming days.