Yes, indeed we are fighting the biggest and most important war of our lives… with an invisible enemy.

And the enemy R US.

And the war we are fighting is within our own hearts – between FEAR and LOVE.

Join 3 panelist this Thursday evening online in this thought provoking and insightful table discussion from FEAR pandemic to UNLIMITED Life.


Kym Glass, Soft Skills Consultant, Award Winning Speaker & Author
Anjali Arnold, Creative Growth Practitioner, Inner Freedom – Outer Expression
Dagmar Oktabcova, Quantum Healing, International Intuitive Spiritual Healer, Teacher, Author & Speaker


Invite your friends and family!   This is a FREE event!

Join us from your computer or phone via video conferencing or just dial in.

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/8145994636
Meeting ID: 814 599 4636

Or Dial +1 301-715-8592