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Deep Integrative Soul Work

Past Life Regression

Soul Retrieval & Soul Repair

…based on Shamanic Healing Arts

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Twin Flames are coming together

in record numbers for the purpose of

Healing & Growth


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Get clarity and insight

into your situation


Call for your appointment today!


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Welcome to my website!  These are amazing transformational times.  The energetic shift we are experiencing is of enormous proportions.  Twin Flames are coming together in record numbers to help each other heal and grow.  Our old ways seem to no longer be effective.  We are moving out of the masculine energies into the divine feminine energies, from doing into becoming vibrationally what we desire and simply being.  The veil is very thin at this time. We are able to access akashic records very easily.  We can see our past lives easily.  This has not always been the case.  We are more than ever before being supported to heal our past, to complete our unresolved experiences, and to get off the karmic treadmill, so that we may rise in vibration, into a better existence, one filled with love, peace and joy.  But we have a lot of work to do.  It is no coincidence that more and more people are awakening spiritually, are being urged to use their divine gifts, and are confronted with their fears.  You may feel fear, but you are safe, my friend!  Fear comes from your past.  Pain can be healed and transformed into wisdom.  And,  I want you to know that you are not alone.

I myself had to heal every step of the way to be able to do the spiritual work I do today.  It took my Twin Flame to cause me my spiritual awakening.  I had to relearn to trust in the guidance of my higher self.  I had to retrain myself to work with the new divine feminine energies to be more effective.  It is no  coincidence that you stumbled upon my website.  Do not take the divine guidance you are receiving for granted.  It is intended in your highest good.  Trust and have faith, my friend!  Everything that happens in your life is on purpose.  I hope you find my website helpful on your journey.  And I hope you get in touch, if you are so guided and inspired.  I am here to help in every way I can.    


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Dagmar Oktabcova

The Spiritual Healer








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