To all the Wellness Practitioners and Healers out there!
How much of an impact do you want to make in the world?
It is of utmost importance to work on yourself so that you may rise out of your own darkness! …if you truly want to make an impact.
I noticed that a lot of you are not working on yourselves, thinking perhaps it doesn’t make a difference, but it does!
Or you think you are working on yourself, but you aren’t.
Avoiding your darkness is NOT rising above it!
You are creating your reality with what is in your vibration!
You would not believe how many times I have spoken with clients who have claimed to have worked on certain issues and were done with them, only to connect with them on a deeper level and find out they were far from done with those issues.
Whether you are aware or not, those unresolved issues are a part of your vibration with which you are creating your reality every day!
Some of you are Eagles, hiding among the Chickens! It’s time to spread your wings and fly!
A lot of you are still hiding in the spiritual closet, my friends! It’s time to come out, into the light!
Today you don’t have to walk your darkness alone!
And you don’t have to take years and lifetimes to do so. You can do it much faster now, for example, through Quantum Healing, a much deeper level of transformation.
I now facilitate and teach Quantum Healing and can take you on your own personal journey deep within yourself, and connect you with your present and past life unresolved experiences, help you heal them, and move you through your darkness much faster than you could ever do on your own. It’s time to shine your light!
I also teach Quantum Healing and critical Soul Wisdom to help you help others move through their darkness much faster. ….an added tool to your wellness practice to create miracles with.
Check out the Quantum Healing Basic Training starting in February 2020!
The work I do is also referred to Multi-Dimensional Healing and Akashic Field Healing.