Tag Archives: anger management

Dealing with Anger?

  088-photomanipulations-fire Anger is such a powerful emotion!  It is so powerful, it can be down right scary.  Scary, when directed at us.  Scary, when we are feeling it.  It can overwhelm us.  It can make us feel out of control.  It can also provide a momentary false sense of power.  However, acting from anger hardly ever gives us the results we really desire.

In our society, we desperately try to control it with anger management.

But, we can do one better!

Behind every anger there is a story, a story that wants to be heard.  Anger actually comes from a wounded place and a deep sense of powerlessness.

Perhaps you have anger issues.  Or perhaps you are reading this because a loved one is directing their anger at you, which only means that deep down you carry your own anger.  However, you may have buried it so deep you don’t even know it’s there.  Your loved one is mirroring it to you.

And yes, while your loved one may have their own anger issues, remember that you can’t change someone else.  You can only change yourself!  You have been guided to read this for a reason.

If you are ready do deal with the anger in your life, I am ready to help you uncover the story behind it and heal the wound underneath, wherever it may take us.

Watch anger dissipate and peace set in, as you find resolution within, and connect with your true power.

Call for your appointment today!
