Tag Archives: eclipse

Embracing Our Shadow Side

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In a recent article about the eclipse, I read how this rare event might be about working with our shadow side.  Perhaps.  Certainly the recent trend to destroy our historical monuments is our shadow side rearing its ugly head.  But is it really wise to reject and destroy our history, the very thing that made us who we are?  …even if it has darkness in it?   Light is understanding.  Darkness is the absence of light, thus the lack of understanding.  Therefore our darkness presents the opportunity to learn.  However, only when we embrace it and accept it.  We are all made up of the light and the dark.  Rejecting our shadow side is rejecting the opportunity to learn. When we don’t learn, we are doomed to repeat history.  This is where the saying comes from “What we resist, persists!”

How then do we accept and embrace our darkness?

Through the process of what I call spiritual healing, or the integration of our unresolved experiences.  Our unresolved experiences are the parts of ourselves that are dark, the parts of ourselves that lack understanding.  It is our pain that has not yet been transformed into wisdom.  There is no understanding in our pain.  These are the stories we reject about ourselves because they are not pretty.  These stories and patterns keep repeating themselves in our lives, because they are desperate to be heard.  Healing our pain and properly integrating these experiences allows us to transform our darkness into light and understanding, which then becomes our wisdom.

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In this video, meet one of my clients who came from darkness and emerged into the light.


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