Tag Archives: Healing

A question I’ve been asked now a number of times amidst our world chaos. Rightfully so. With all the media propaganda, fake news, everyone’s opposing opinion and different agendas, it’s very confusion trying to decipher whats what and what or who to believe.
What if I told you that there is one source you can always trust and listen to, a source that has your best interest in mind, and that will never steer you wrong?
Who is it? What outlet is it? Which agency? Which news station? …you might ask. It’s nothing and no one external of you.
It’s your HIGHER SELF!
Your higher self knows the present, past and future.
Your higher self knows YOU, like no other. It knows all your likes and dislikes, your fears and your blind spots. It knows your soul’s journey and your purpose, where you are headed and what lessons you need to learn to get there. And it always has your best interest in mind. It is your TRUE NORTH compass.
It is the ONLY SOURCE you should be listening to!
It doesn’t mean you can’t hear what other’s are saying. But you should always be running the data or opinion through your true north compass and properly evaluating it and allowing your higher self to steer you in the right direction.
The challenge comes in when we don’t know how to listen to our higher self. When we don’t trust ourselves. Quite often the soul is too cluttered with unresolved pain experiences to “hear” the messages from our true north compass. It is being overpowered by messages from our fear and ego. It takes a bit of skill knowing which aspect of ourselves to listening to. …or how to even recognize that it is our fear and ego talking. Quite frankly it boggles my mind how many people actually think that they have no fear, which to me is the equivalent of saying you have no ego or that ego has no influence in your life.
The unresolved pain in our vibration taints our perception of reality…. and renders us unable to view situations from a place of neutrality. This is the very reason why two people can be looking at the same thing and see completely different things.
The key to listening to our higher self is to first de-clutter our soul and establish a clearer communications path with our higher self (our spirit). Then we must learn to distinguish between ego talking (which includes fear) and our higher self talking. It requires a level of descernment between lower and higher vibration energies within ourselves and a great amount of honesty with ourselves.
You can achieve that level of communication with your higher self. And when you do, there is nothing that will throw you off.
In fact, it is paramount that you do … achieve that kind of communication with your higher self. As the world gets even more chaotic, you’ll want that kind of guidance from you higher self, your true north compass. This is the only way to insure that you don’t get lost.
If you wish to understand how to de-clutter your soul and how you can achieve this level of communication, watch the 12 min video below where I talk about the non-traditional sense of healing.
Much love…

Get out of your own way…

You ever wondered how to get out of your own way? Watch the video below… 

Join me for the “Introduction To Self Actualization Workshop for Light Workers” workshop on Saturday, January 27th, 2018     Noon-4pm   in Lakewood, Colorado

Hurry! Seating is limited!  Register and pay at www.thespiritualhealer.info/events/


Embracing Our Shadow Side

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In a recent article about the eclipse, I read how this rare event might be about working with our shadow side.  Perhaps.  Certainly the recent trend to destroy our historical monuments is our shadow side rearing its ugly head.  But is it really wise to reject and destroy our history, the very thing that made us who we are?  …even if it has darkness in it?   Light is understanding.  Darkness is the absence of light, thus the lack of understanding.  Therefore our darkness presents the opportunity to learn.  However, only when we embrace it and accept it.  We are all made up of the light and the dark.  Rejecting our shadow side is rejecting the opportunity to learn. When we don’t learn, we are doomed to repeat history.  This is where the saying comes from “What we resist, persists!”

How then do we accept and embrace our darkness?

Through the process of what I call spiritual healing, or the integration of our unresolved experiences.  Our unresolved experiences are the parts of ourselves that are dark, the parts of ourselves that lack understanding.  It is our pain that has not yet been transformed into wisdom.  There is no understanding in our pain.  These are the stories we reject about ourselves because they are not pretty.  These stories and patterns keep repeating themselves in our lives, because they are desperate to be heard.  Healing our pain and properly integrating these experiences allows us to transform our darkness into light and understanding, which then becomes our wisdom.

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In this video, meet one of my clients who came from darkness and emerged into the light.


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Introduction To Self-Healing & Spiritual Growth Program

Are you ready for more out of life?

Are you tired of meaningless struggles?  Are you tired of feeling stuck?

Are you ready to evolve beyond where you are?

Are you ready to fully realize yourself?


I would like to introduce to you a program I have compiled to pass onto you my wisdom and teach you how to self-heal, a program that will put you on the fast track of self-discovery, spiritual growth and transformation, and continue to help you evolve with the guidance of your higher self into the full expression of your magnificent self.

For more details, click here. 

Healing Events This March

Two Powerful Healing Events

Healing Losses

Lighten Your Load
Lift Your Spirit
Raise Your Emotional Vibration
Increase Your Emotional Strength
Open Yourself Up To Be More Freely Who You Are

The emotional pain of loss weighs heavy on the soul, especially in the advent of multiple losses. The pain adds up like cumulative interest, making the next loss or other life challenge much more difficult to deal with. Don’t let what happened in the past zap your energy, bog you down and weaken you. Much like a car engine, your soul needs rejuvenating. Join me for this powerful transformational healing event of healing your past losses.  We all have them!

1. Online Webinar, Saturday, Mar 11, 10am-12pm MST
1. In Person, Lakewood, Co, Saturday, Mar 25, 11am-1pm

For details and registration, click here www.thespiritualhealer.info/healinglosses

Healing Losses

As we go through life, we experience loss. We can suffer loss in many different ways. A loved one may pass. A pet, who’s been a friend for many years, may die. Our true love may leave us for someone else. We may lose a large sum of money in a bad investment deal. Or we may lose our house, where we created many memories.

The emotional pain of loss can weigh heavy on our soul. This is especially true when we have experienced multiple losses in a fairly short period of time, where we have had hardly a chance to digest them. All that pain can lower us vibrationally to the point of depression.

The intensity of all the unresolved emotions from our past losses can accumulate and come crashing down on us during a present time loss. This can make our current loss unbearable to deal with and difficult to recover from. Thus, the more we can heal our past losses, the easier it is for us to bounce back from a present loss.

The other effect losses can have on us is that we may fear future losses, and therefore we might let our fear dictate our actions. This can manifest itself in the form of blocks for us. For example, we may choose not to express how we truly feel, for fear of losing our lover. It’s only an illusion that it is preventing us from another loss, and the suppression of our feelings can lead to illness down the road. And it’s really not contributing to the health of the relationship either, at least not one based on honesty.

If we lost money in the past, we may avoid starting a new business for fear of losing more money. This may prevent us from pursuing our passion and thriving.

Ultimately, we may attract more losses into our life. We naturally attract and create with the energy of our unresolved experiences.

Additionally, just the anticipation of a potential loss can cause us to re-experience the grief our past losses. Perhaps we worry about losing a beloved parent to illness and we could be grieving their loss prior to losing them.

A deep soul healing of your losses can take the intensity out of any current or future loss and help you recover from it easier and faster. It can free you from any fears of future losses, and thus from any blocks, allowing you to be more of your authentic self and help you reach your full potential. It can help you rise vibrationally, out of depression, and into hope and joy. Clients often share with me that they feel lighter after a healing.  Healing your losses can significantly lighten your load.

Stay tuned for upcoming healing events that I will be hosting in the near future.  Of course, I always welcome private session clients.

The Revolution Special

In light of the recent protests and marches against president Trump and for women’s rights, the public outrage and outcry is actually about our inadequacies, insecurities, fear, powerlessness, the degraded or dis-empowered feminine, and all the issues that stem from times we were wounded in our past, which we have not fully resolved.   It is NOT a reaction to the present, but rather a reaction to our painful past, triggered by the present.  While blaming others, screaming it into the universe, or damaging property may be a desperate attempt at reconnecting with our inner power, unfortunately it will ultimately not resolve our deeper pain.

While President Trump is the change agent of our time and is bringing out our deep seated unresolved issues, it is not his job to fix anyone.  The real answer is the healing of our soul and the resolution of our past.   If Nazism is in the forefront of our mind, then we must heal our past lives we spent in Nazi camps, or perhaps participated in killing others.

We first must take responsibility for our emotions and our pain in order to affect change.  We can’t change the elections!  We can’t change Trump.  But we can change ourselves!  Right now it is NOT about political issues!  It is about our issues!  It is about healing our pain!  We are more than ever before being supported by the divine universe to heal our past, heal our wounds, gather the lost pieces of ourselves and repair our fractured soul.   …so that we may all move to a better plane of existence, one much higher in vibration.

All the protests, marches, anger and hostility are a signs of just how much healing is needed.   All the old and unresolved is coming to the surface.  The numbers are staggering of the amount of people in need of healing.

So, I call upon you today to take part in this global revolution, not by protesting, but rather by working on yourself, by healing you, by being the change you desire to see in the world. Because every time you heal a part of yourself, not only do you improve your life, but you contribute to the global pool of consciousness and the healing and betterment of all.

Healing Into Abundance

Abundance is what we naturally already have.  It’s all around us.
So, why do some of us feel like we can’t quite access it, like we don’t have enough?
Ultimately it has everything to do with how we feel on the inside.  Our reality is a mere reflection of our inner self.
We cannot change our feeling of not having enough by earning more money.

A classic example is a recent client testimonial:
“I always held two jobs, even though one job provided me with more than enough money to live very comfortably.  In spite of things, I never felt I had enough, no matter how much money I made.  Since completing numerous healing sessions with Dagmar, I feel a sense of calm I never felt before, and I finally feel that I can hold onto my money.  I now give money away and it comes right back to me.  …without any effort on my part.  What a great feeling not having to worry anymore!  I can now relax and enjoy life.”

…but we can change the feeling of  not having enough by reconciling deep within ourselves our unresolved experiences.

It’s Time to Take Our Power Back!

I’m sure a lots of you have heard about the changing energies we are experiencing.  As a contributing author, I would like to share with you a portion of my chapter titled “It’s Time to Take Our Power Back” from the book “R*eve*olution – The Return of the Divine Feminine” – compiled by Denye Robbins.  It’s comprised of 40 global women leaders who share their stories of passion, purpose, love and service.

We are coming out of an era of fear, force, control, suppression and separateness; and we are entering the era of love, flow, letting go, allowing and unification.  We are leaving the era of trusting the external: governments, systems, money, authority and television; and we are entering the era of trusting the internal: ourselves, our inner guidance systems, our spirits, our hearts and our wisdom.

May I share with you that it is not governments who govern.  It is you who governs.  It is not money that is your resource.  It is you who is your resource.  It is not laws that guide you.  It is your spirit that guides you. It is not some agency that is your authority.  It is your heart that is your authority.  It is not television but your wisdom that is the source of quality knowledge.  It is all in the power of your spirit!

If you think that nothing is what it seems, that’s because it isn’t.  We have allowed doctors to be the authority on our health, yet it is you and only you who can heal yourself.  We look to change things on the outside, yet the only place we can change things is on our inside.  We have created computers to have less paper and more time, yet we have more paper and less time.  We look to money to solve our problems and look to love as the source of all problems, yet it is love that sustains and heals us, not money.  We spent our life accumulating material possessions at the expense of foregoing valuable experiences, yet we get to take with us when we die only our experiences and none of our possessions.  We have substituted caring for being politically correct.  We have created quick fixes and more problems.  We are the country of most freedoms and yet we incarcerate the most people of all countries.  We preserve our food to last longer, yet we have shortened our health.  In a world where Twinkie has come to outlive us, we live poorly and die well; well preserved, that is.  We have created drugs to not feel, yet we hurt more.  We have created more laws and less responsibility.  We have rejected nature because of its imperfections, and with our perfect chemicals we have created imbalances that are destroying us, failing to realize that we are not above but rather a part of nature.

We keep lowering our educational standards to make ourselves look better instead of increasing our standards and teaching our youth more.  We want to change the world, and the only thing we can change is ourselves.  We start wars trying to teach peace.  We have big healthcare systems and more sick people.  We spend millions of dollars on medical research and have no cures.  We have fast means of communication, fax machines and mobile phones, and no time to talk to our kids.  We have money and no value.  We have food and no nourishment.  We have medicine and no health.  We have more jails and less functioning families.  We have more information and less sense.  Isn’t it maybe time for change?  Well, it isn’t government who is going to change things.  We are!  You and I!

So, how do we change things?  It has to start with each one of us individually.  The only thing we can change is ourselves.  Understand that we can’t fully move into the new energies of love, personal power, flow, oneness and allowing until we release the old energies we’ve been living; fear, force, control, suppression and separateness.  We carry the old energies in our unresolved experiences.  So long as we carry them in our spiritual energy, we keep creating with them.  In order to release them, we must heal and integrate our unresolved experiences.  Only then can we create something different.