Tag Archives: the marches for women’s rights

The Revolution Special

In light of the recent protests and marches against president Trump and for women’s rights, the public outrage and outcry is actually about our inadequacies, insecurities, fear, powerlessness, the degraded or dis-empowered feminine, and all the issues that stem from times we were wounded in our past, which we have not fully resolved.   It is NOT a reaction to the present, but rather a reaction to our painful past, triggered by the present.  While blaming others, screaming it into the universe, or damaging property may be a desperate attempt at reconnecting with our inner power, unfortunately it will ultimately not resolve our deeper pain.

While President Trump is the change agent of our time and is bringing out our deep seated unresolved issues, it is not his job to fix anyone.  The real answer is the healing of our soul and the resolution of our past.   If Nazism is in the forefront of our mind, then we must heal our past lives we spent in Nazi camps, or perhaps participated in killing others.

We first must take responsibility for our emotions and our pain in order to affect change.  We can’t change the elections!  We can’t change Trump.  But we can change ourselves!  Right now it is NOT about political issues!  It is about our issues!  It is about healing our pain!  We are more than ever before being supported by the divine universe to heal our past, heal our wounds, gather the lost pieces of ourselves and repair our fractured soul.   …so that we may all move to a better plane of existence, one much higher in vibration.

All the protests, marches, anger and hostility are a signs of just how much healing is needed.   All the old and unresolved is coming to the surface.  The numbers are staggering of the amount of people in need of healing.

So, I call upon you today to take part in this global revolution, not by protesting, but rather by working on yourself, by healing you, by being the change you desire to see in the world. Because every time you heal a part of yourself, not only do you improve your life, but you contribute to the global pool of consciousness and the healing and betterment of all.