Tag Archives: love

Happy Valentines Day!
Wishing all of you Twin Flames, Soul Mates, beautiful couples and especially those beautiful souls who are single a very special VALENTINES DAY!
May you treat yourself with LOVE and enjoy a magical day.
I wish to share with you on this particular day a very special love poem I wrote years ago…. Enjoy!
Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places, Dear Spirit of Mine.
I searched the world.
I searched for years to find my guy,
the one and only love of mine,
like you dear Spirit of mine,
unconditionally and always with the best for me in mind.
I looked for the guy who’d be my knight and shining armor,
my hero, my dragon slayer,
who’d protect me come rain or shine,
like you dear Spirit of mine.
I looked across the ocean miles,
I looked everywhere,
for the guy whom I could count on, trust and who would care.
I even searched in the darkest of places to find him,
the one and only love of mine.
Surely, I thought, he must be there somewhere hidden in the dark of the darkest of corners,
since I couldn’t find him in the bright of shine.
I searched everywhere for the guy who’d love me,
like you dear Spirit of mine.
It was you I trusted and I knew you’d help me find my guy.
I was growing desperate to find the guy who’d love me,
like you dear Spirit of mine.
I finally asked you for help and you agreed to help me find that guy.
You promised and I still could not see,
the love that only you had for me.
It was then that you made me look in the darkest of hearts and I finally saw,
that which there was not,
the love I’d been looking for.
Without it I was lost.
So for the longest time I wouldn’t dare see it not.
You had me again search in the darkest of hearts so that I could finally see,
see what there was not.
It was in the reflection of an empty heart that I finally saw the substance in mine.
I had to see first what there was not, in order to see,
what there was within me, my Spirit, within me.
It was then that I realized, it was you I’d been looking for all this time,
dear Spirit of mine.
You were the one who loved me,
you were my guy.
You were my knight in shining armor, my hero, my protector came rain or shine.
You were the one who loved me unconditionally all this time.
It was you I counted on and trusted, dear Spirit of mine.
Especially in my weakest of moments, you were the one who always cared
and had my best interest in mind.
I was looking for love in all the wrong hearts, when all along you were inside of mine.
You, dear Spirit, you were the true essence of me,
I so desperately needed to find.

Why it is Important to Align with the Increasing Vibration of our Planet
Think the world is acting kind of crazy these days? Here is why…
The vibrations are gradually increasing on our planet. The higher the vibration the more it is flushing out the unresolved pain we carry, which manifesting itself in our daily lives through our experiences. Thus all the talk about Fascism, Nazism, Racism, homophobia, you name it. These are old energies rising that are in need of resolution. We can blame other people, we can lash out in anger, we can protest, scream or shout our dissatisfaction, but it will not change anything. Certainly it will not raise your vibration, most likely it will lower it even further.
As Dolores Cannon put it rightly, eventually the planet will separate into two versions of itself through vibration. One will remain in the lower 3D consciousness of fear and negativity as it is now, while a whole “New Earth” will be created of a 5D consciousness that will resonate with positive vibrations and awakening. In order to move into the 5D Earth, raising your vibration is one of the most important things you can do at this time.
The difference will be in how we experience the world, which is already happening. When we vibrate low we attract and experience more of the low vibration energies, such as hate, anger, depression, apathy, fear, worry, anxiety, stress and so forth. We also experience more illness. When we vibrate high we experience and attract more of the high vibration energies such as love, joy, and peace. We also experience less illness, and we are able to manifest more of the nice things we want.
So, how do we increase our personal vibration to keep up with the plant’s? The most effective professional advanced method I have found is healing your past unresolved pain. Pain vibrates at a low frequency. Thus the planet’s increasing vibrations forces more of our unresolved pain to surface, evident in the situations and circumstances of our daily lives and how we experience them, in a negative or positive light. What most people don’t know is that we manifest with our unresolved pain. Basically, we create more of that which we fear. Thus healing unresolved past pain, including past lives, acts as if off loading sacks of potatoes. And as we let go of past pain by integrating our experiences, we rise vibrationally. We in essence become lighter and vibrate at a higher frequency.
Those who continuously work to increase their vibration to match the planet’s will have a smoother road ahead and will find themselves at more peace, while for others things may get more intense as vibrations increase.
Energetically, we are moving from a fear-based existence to a love-based one. However, this does not mean to ignore our fear and pretend to be loving in the name of political correctness. No amount of pretending will change your vibration, even if you have genuine love in your heart. Generally we manifest that which is in our energetic field, which includes all the unresolved pain we carry. Fear comes from our unresolved pain and is a part of our energetic makeup until such time that we heal it.
…from the wisdom of the rising Phoenix.
I look forward to working with those who are ready to move into the higher vibration and a love-based existence, and who desire to experience a smoother road ahead, filled with joy, peace and love.
Call me for your evaluation today!

Appreciating Life
I would like to share with you the following post written by my son after going through some tremendous trials recently. I wish for all of us to have such incredible appreciation for life as he has come to have.
Wonder – the desire to know or to be curious about something.
I’ve tried to live my life with constant wonder. I’ve always been interested in the way things work and how the universe is put together. For instance a flower… Such a beautiful construction of such complexity yet perceived with such simplicity. All the mechanics of nature coming together to produce such an amazing construct that produces pleasure for so many creatures on what we perceive to be the simplest level. Yet to describe to someone how a flower came to be is a very complex question. Proportions are specifically designed yet no one built it, it just came to be by the randomity of life by our physical perception. However; in order for the flower to look, smell, and taste the way it does the universe had to work in just the right way in order for it to become what we see when we go for a walk. The beauty it portrays is one hundred percent a divine construction. A creation of the master plan by the master of all. To me a flower represents the sheer beauty, peace, and awesomeness of life. So when I get a chance through the normal day to day hustle and bustle I try to take a moment and stop and admire the sheer gift that has been given to me by stopping and smelling that flower that was inspired to live right there in that moment which allowed me to come across it to be able to appreciate the wonder of the universe that we live in.
My name is James Perkins. I am an estranged husband of a beautiful wife and the father of three children. I have experienced the sheer destruction that drug addiction causes to ones life and have been homeless and can fully appreciate the lack of compassion that mother nature truly has when it comes right down to survival of the fittest. However; through these experiences I also found love, a true divine connection, a way that everything is connected or what someone might perceive as God. That love and compassion do exist and they are not just a manifestation of perception. Love exists. Beauty exists. Life exists. I’ve realized through my travels that the one common denominator that everyone and everything searches for is love. Sometimes people manifest this in aberrant ways which is what we call evil. From my experiences I have learned that evil is really the pursuit of love by destroying. Of course this is why when you are on the path of evil you don’t find love but rather more evil. One can’t go through life harming those around him and not become harmed himself. I have been clean for a while and now I’m putting my life back together. By grace I’m alive and have a chance to start over. Not everyone gets this chance and with this realization I know that I have been blessed with a chance to understand and live a life filled with love.
by James Perkins

Are You Attracting Men Who Don’t Love You?
Do you desire to be loved, and yet the men you are connecting with do not love you?
Do you find yourself working hard at loving them and yet your love is not being reciprocated?
Believe it or not, this may be because deep down you actually believe that you CANNOT, SHOULD NOT, OR DON’T DESERVE to be loved.
You are deliberately, for some reason, denying yourself the ability to be loved.
I want to work with you to uncover and isolate WHY you are living this pattern.
If you want to attract love into your life, call me for an appointment today!

It’s Time to Take Our Power Back!
I’m sure a lots of you have heard about the changing energies we are experiencing. As a contributing author, I would like to share with you a portion of my chapter titled “It’s Time to Take Our Power Back” from the book “R*eve*olution – The Return of the Divine Feminine” – compiled by Denye Robbins. It’s comprised of 40 global women leaders who share their stories of passion, purpose, love and service.
We are coming out of an era of fear, force, control, suppression and separateness; and we are entering the era of love, flow, letting go, allowing and unification. We are leaving the era of trusting the external: governments, systems, money, authority and television; and we are entering the era of trusting the internal: ourselves, our inner guidance systems, our spirits, our hearts and our wisdom.
May I share with you that it is not governments who govern. It is you who governs. It is not money that is your resource. It is you who is your resource. It is not laws that guide you. It is your spirit that guides you. It is not some agency that is your authority. It is your heart that is your authority. It is not television but your wisdom that is the source of quality knowledge. It is all in the power of your spirit!
If you think that nothing is what it seems, that’s because it isn’t. We have allowed doctors to be the authority on our health, yet it is you and only you who can heal yourself. We look to change things on the outside, yet the only place we can change things is on our inside. We have created computers to have less paper and more time, yet we have more paper and less time. We look to money to solve our problems and look to love as the source of all problems, yet it is love that sustains and heals us, not money. We spent our life accumulating material possessions at the expense of foregoing valuable experiences, yet we get to take with us when we die only our experiences and none of our possessions. We have substituted caring for being politically correct. We have created quick fixes and more problems. We are the country of most freedoms and yet we incarcerate the most people of all countries. We preserve our food to last longer, yet we have shortened our health. In a world where Twinkie has come to outlive us, we live poorly and die well; well preserved, that is. We have created drugs to not feel, yet we hurt more. We have created more laws and less responsibility. We have rejected nature because of its imperfections, and with our perfect chemicals we have created imbalances that are destroying us, failing to realize that we are not above but rather a part of nature.
We keep lowering our educational standards to make ourselves look better instead of increasing our standards and teaching our youth more. We want to change the world, and the only thing we can change is ourselves. We start wars trying to teach peace. We have big healthcare systems and more sick people. We spend millions of dollars on medical research and have no cures. We have fast means of communication, fax machines and mobile phones, and no time to talk to our kids. We have money and no value. We have food and no nourishment. We have medicine and no health. We have more jails and less functioning families. We have more information and less sense. Isn’t it maybe time for change? Well, it isn’t government who is going to change things. We are! You and I!
So, how do we change things? It has to start with each one of us individually. The only thing we can change is ourselves. Understand that we can’t fully move into the new energies of love, personal power, flow, oneness and allowing until we release the old energies we’ve been living; fear, force, control, suppression and separateness. We carry the old energies in our unresolved experiences. So long as we carry them in our spiritual energy, we keep creating with them. In order to release them, we must heal and integrate our unresolved experiences. Only then can we create something different.

What is a Twin Flame?
A twin flame is like a soul mate except that twin flames are born as one soul split into two. Each person is a complete and whole individual. However, the other person is literally the other half of your soul reflected in the strong soul level bond and love. The concept is not unlike that of physical twins except that the twinship is on a soul level. Therefore this phenomenon is called twin souls or twin flames. Everything is magnified by a 100 fold between twin flames; the love as well as the baggage. Consequently when there is a lot of unresolved business between twin flames the relationship can be so intense that it makes being around each other unbearable. Twin flames tend to feel each other from afar. There is a certain amount of telepathy between them and hugging feels like coming home. My understanding is that not everyone has a twin flame. To encounter your twin flame is certainly a unique experience and a gift from God.
…but read more about this amazing phenomenon in my recently published book “Meeting My Twin Flame”, now available in print. The story is my personal account of meeting my twin flame and the profound journey it took me on. It might just change your perception about relationships entirely!
Click on the picture below to purchase.
Improving Relationships as a Benefit of Spiritual Healing
Intimate relationships can be the most wonderful and the most painful of experiences. Love can make us feel like we are walking on cloud nine or it can make us feel like someone stuck a dagger into our hearts and ten trucks ran over us. How do I know? …well, I have experienced it. I think it’s because our significant other most closely hits home with who we are and where our pain is. Relationships mirror to us how we treat ourselves and others. Yet, we are so quick to point our finger. He or she is not appreciating us. They are so critical of us. If only they would change… We would be so happy! Yet how many of us have ever considered where we might not be appreciating ourselves? Or where we are being critical with ourselves? Even though our partner may have their own issues, on a spiritual level they are simply pointing out to us how we act with ourselves and others and where we need to heal.
For example, if as a child one of our parents left the household, we may conclude that that parent didn’t love us. We may go even further to decide that therefore we are not lovable and that we must not deserve to be loved. This unresolved painful experience including our decision carries a certain energy. With that energy we attract, even at 40 plus, partners into our lives who continue to prove us right and don’t love us because after all, we are not lovable. And as such we keep re-experiencing the same pain from our child hood. The key is to recognize that our partner isn’t doing it to us. We are doing it to ourselves. We carry the unresolved pain and energy about who we are and thus create our circumstances with it. It doesn’t even matter that it’s this particular partner supposedly doing it to us. If it wasn’t this partner it would be a different partner, because ultimately we are creating the experience. The mirror effect doesn’t, by the way, just apply to intimate relationship. It applies to any relationship. It could be our mother, our child, our brother or it could be a mere stranger we only encountered once.
I had a client once come to me for a clairvoyant reading. He wanted to know what to do about his employees. He was clearly frustrated with them. He complained; they are irresponsible, they never do what I tell them to do, they are slow at their job and they don’t follow through. I told him that they were mirroring to him his own behavior and once he changed so would his employees change. I asked him “where are you being like that?” His response to me was “I don’t get it. I can’t see how I am like that.” It is actually more common than not that we can’t see ourselves or recognize how we are being in a certain way. I suppose for that reason we have others mirroring our behavior to us. I suggested that we do some healing around his employees’ behavior which obviously was causing him pain. After healing a few incidences with his employees I asked him what he might have learned from those experiences or if there was anything his soul wanted to share with him. His reply was that he needed to place his employees in more suitable positions. That he had been neglecting to pay attention to his employees and what job they would be best suited for. He said that he’d been really procrastinating about this and not taking responsibility and that he really needed to follow through in his job. True story!
So, how can we improve our relationships through spiritual healing? Usually there is a reason why we behave or why we treat ourselves in a certain way. Nothing that can’t be remedied usually through spiritual healing. Spiritual healing helps us digest the past unresolved experiences, change the decisions that no longer serve us and shift our perspectives. Once we transform and shift the energy within us, there is no unpleasent bit to be mirrored anymore. Suddenly their behavior changes. ….and we didn’t even have to point a finger or say a word.
So, the next time someone makes a snide remark toward you at the grocery store and you think to yourself “what a shmuck, this is soooo not about me”, know that this is sooooo about you! …and to change them, all you have to do is change yourself! Isn’t it fun?
Reducing Stress as a Benefit of Spiritual Healing
It is my own personal experience that the more I heal the more at peace I feel. Similar situations that would have stressed me out in the past, do not faze me today.
So, where does stress come from? Stress comes from our own anticipation of pain and discomfort given certain circumstances. But how do we know that we might experience pain and discomfort in certain situations unless we have indeed experienced it? Thus my point; we experience stress as a result of previous traumas. A current situation only serves to remind us of the past pain. Pain is counter survival. Thus our survival mechanism warns us of the possibility of pain by inducing stress in our bodies whenever we find our selves in similar situations where we have experienced pain before – simply to get us to leave the situation.
But doesn’t everyone experience stress in certain situations, you may ask? Well, no. It’s like saying all skiers experience fear of skiing. The truth is that only the ones who have gotten hurt on a ski slope will experience fear of skiing. For that same reason not everyone experiences fear of flying or gets stressed when on an airplane. Only the ones who have crashed before. Mind you the crash could also be a past life experience. It is for this same reason we may experience stress around certain circumstances with love, finances, work, kids and so forth.
So, how do we circumvent this survival mechanism that’s inducing stress with us? Simple. We heal the past trauma. By doing so we neutralize or de-activate the emotions or energy in the trauma. No matter how similar the circumstances, we no longer will have that particular trauma act on us (or re-experience the emotions in it) because it is no longer active even though we still have memory of it.
So, you are feeling stressed? Observe the circumstances around which you get stressed. What might be the past trauma? If you can’t figure it out, allow a spiritual healer to help you heal it. It is wonderful to know that you can! It is even more wonderful to experience peace and calm within yourself!