Tag Archives: Fear

Not to be confused with your EGO.        How do you know the difference?
Check out my recent e-book “Accelerate Your Spiritual Awakening & Transformation”.
Unfortunately too many of us are disconnected from our spirit or higher self. We don’t listen to the messages we are receiving or can’t hear them. Or we are running off the messages from our EGO self, which is coming from a place of fear, only steering us in the wrong direction.
Fortunately there is a way to reconnect with your spirit and higher self, your true north compass, that will NEVER lead you astray, that has your absolute best interest in mind, and that knows you and your journey and what you need better than anyone else.
It will guide you in your health, love, your divine destiny, money, whether or not you should be taking a vaccine…
There is no time like now to reconnect with your higher self for correct and safe guidance.
I describe this very process of reconnecting with your higher self and how to follow it’s guidance in my e-book.
Get it now! I extended the time of the 90% discount. Get it while it lasts!
In light of all that is happening in our world these days… Covid-19 pandemic and all the changes that are affecting ALL of us, the biggest FEAR that the “oppressors” of humanity have is that YOU will discover just how POWERFUL you are!
This is WHY they are shutting down our communication platforms, WHY they are requiring us to wear masks (shutting us up), to social distance, etc., anything to isolate us from each other.
We are powerful in numbers. We are powerful together. And we need a certain number of us to get to a tipping point to shift our common reality.
Notice how they keep feeding the FEAR frenzy by talking about new Virus strains all the time. It’s never over. Viruses will ALWAYS exist. The reason it is so powerful to keep you in FEAR is because you are incapacitated in the low vibration (FEAR is very low on the vibrational/emotional tone scale).
But what you may not know is that they cannot hook you, unless you have a hook to be hooked with. In other words, they cannot cause you to fear unless you already have a fear. And you don’t have to be trembling in your boots to carry fear in your vibration. Fear simply comes from our unresolved pain. Sometimes we don’t even know we have it and yet we act from a place of fear without even realizing.
Here is where your power lies. You can simply heal your unresolved pain and thereby get rid of your hook, which incidentally will also cause you to rise in vibration and into your power. When enough of us are in that place of our power and we cannot be hooked with FEAR, WE WILL SHIFT REALITY.
They completely underestimate the POWER of your SPIRIT! And so do YOU!
In the next few days, I will be rolling out a special deal for my E-BOOK on how to Accelerate Your Spiritual Awakening & Transformation, which is the key to YOU helping change our common reality. We need enough people (a tipping point) to shift our reality.
There is no exemption for YOU in terms of creating our common reality. You are either contributing to how we are experiencing our reality right now or you are contributing to creating something different. You are either wearing a mask or you are not wearing a mask. There is no in between. You are either complying with all the mandates put in front of you, or you are not.
But you have to do more than just fight it outwardly. You have to change it in your vibration. Because you are creating your / our reality with what is in your vibration.
If you have FEAR in your vibration (unresolved pain – even from past lifetimes), you are contributing to the present time FEAR pandemic.
Want to help change the world? You must change it in yourself!
Stay tuned for more….

Yes, indeed we are fighting the biggest and most important war of our lives… with an invisible enemy.

And the enemy R US.

And the war we are fighting is within our own hearts – between FEAR and LOVE.

Join 3 panelist this Thursday evening online in this thought provoking and insightful table discussion from FEAR pandemic to UNLIMITED Life.


Kym Glass, Soft Skills Consultant, Award Winning Speaker & Author
Anjali Arnold, Creative Growth Practitioner, Inner Freedom – Outer Expression
Dagmar Oktabcova, Quantum Healing, International Intuitive Spiritual Healer, Teacher, Author & Speaker


Invite your friends and family!   This is a FREE event!

Join us from your computer or phone via video conferencing or just dial in.

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/8145994636
Meeting ID: 814 599 4636

Or Dial +1 301-715-8592


Get out of your own way…

You ever wondered how to get out of your own way? Watch the video below… 

Join me for the “Introduction To Self Actualization Workshop for Light Workers” workshop on Saturday, January 27th, 2018     Noon-4pm   in Lakewood, Colorado

Hurry! Seating is limited!  Register and pay at www.thespiritualhealer.info/events/


Why it is Important to Align with the Increasing Vibration of our Planet

Think the world is acting kind of crazy these days? Here is why…

The vibrations are gradually increasing on our planet. The higher the vibration the more it is flushing out the unresolved pain we carry, which manifesting itself in our daily lives through our experiences.  Thus all the talk about Fascism, Nazism, Racism, homophobia, you name it.  These are old energies rising that are in need of resolution.  We can blame other people, we can lash out in anger, we can protest, scream or shout our dissatisfaction, but it will not change anything.  Certainly it will not raise your vibration, most likely it will lower it even further.

As Dolores Cannon put it rightly, eventually the planet will separate into two versions of itself through vibration.  One will remain in the lower 3D consciousness of fear and negativity as it is now, while a whole “New Earth” will be created of a 5D consciousness that will resonate with positive vibrations and awakening.  In order to move into the 5D Earth, raising your vibration is one of the most important things you can do at this time.

The difference will be in how we experience the world, which is already happening.  When we vibrate low we attract and experience more of the low vibration energies, such as hate, anger, depression, apathy, fear, worry, anxiety, stress and so forth.  We also experience more illness.  When we vibrate high we experience and attract more of the high vibration energies such as love, joy, and peace.  We also experience less illness, and we are able to manifest more of the nice things we want.

So, how do we increase our personal vibration to keep up with the plant’s?  The most effective professional advanced method I have found is healing your past unresolved pain.  Pain vibrates at a low frequency.  Thus the planet’s increasing vibrations forces more of our unresolved pain to surface, evident in the situations and circumstances of our daily lives and how we experience them, in a negative or positive light.  What most people don’t know is that we manifest with our unresolved pain.  Basically, we create more of that which we fear.  Thus healing unresolved past pain, including past lives, acts as if off loading sacks of potatoes.  And as we let go of past pain by integrating our experiences, we rise vibrationally. We in essence become lighter and vibrate at a higher frequency.

Those who continuously work to increase their vibration to match the planet’s will have a smoother road ahead and will find themselves at more peace, while for others things may get more intense as vibrations increase.

Energetically, we are moving from a fear-based existence to a love-based one.  However, this does not mean to ignore our fear and pretend to be loving in the name of political correctness.  No amount of pretending will change your vibration, even if you have genuine love in your heart.  Generally we manifest that which is in our energetic field, which includes all the unresolved pain we carry.   Fear comes from our unresolved pain and is a part of our energetic makeup until such time that we heal it.

                               …from the wisdom of the rising Phoenix.

I look forward to working with those who are ready to move into the higher vibration and a love-based existence, and who desire to experience a smoother road ahead, filled with joy, peace and love.


Call me for your evaluation today!


FEAR – Real or Imaginary?

As we progress in our ascension process, we hear about the importance of moving out of our fear and into a place of love.  For those of you who have not heard of ascension, it is the spiritual shift we are undergoing and have been for some time. We are moving out of the third dimension, which is primarily fear based, and into the fifth dimension which is about unification and love.   As part of this spiritual shift, we are attempting to re-connect with our spiritual selves and the source of our inner power and love.

Let’s explore fear, and how we can most effectively leave it behind and connect with that part of ourselves that is the source of our inner power and love.  Wouldn’t it be nice, not having to live in fear anymore?

You might have heard the slogan FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real.   It suggests that FEAR is imaginary.  But is it?

When confronted by a bear, we might agree that our fear is real.  There is nothing imaginary about facing a real life threat!   But what about fear of speaking in public?   In the absents of any threat to our life, is our fear real or imaginary?  As such, we may conclude that fear is only real if we are faced with a real life threat.  But is it?

What about the fear of flying?  Just because we have a fear of flying doesn’t mean the airplane will crash.  Does then flying an airplane pose a real threat to our life?  Now we get into probabilities.  How probable is it that our airplane will crash?  We could reason that if the plane crashes, our fear was real, and if it didn’t crash, our fear was imaginary.

Some of us may believe that fear is our biggest ally because it protects us from danger.  But does it?  Let’s take a look.  If the airplane crashed and therefore the threat to our life was real, then why were some of us not afraid to fly?  Does fear then serve to protect only some of us and not others?  And if the airplane did not crash and there was no reality to our fear, why then did some of us experience fear of flying?  What was our fear protecting us from?

Ok, you may say, in that case our fear was imaginary.  But, what does it mean, fear is imaginary?  Why would anyone want to imagine being afraid?  Ok, you might say, perhaps it is not the fear we imagine, perhaps it is the threat we imagine, based on our fear.  Good point.  But, what causes us to imagine a threat that’s not real?  What causes us to be afraid in the first place?

Looking at the above examples, we can clearly see that in some cases we can experience fear in spite of any real threat, whereas in other cases we may be facing a real threat and not experience any fear at all.  So, if the threat itself is not causing us to be afraid, then what is? And is our fear real or imaginary?

I venture to say that fear is real.  After all, it is an emotion, and emotions are real.  If we feel them, we feel them.  We really feel fear, even if we can’t justify it.  I mean, how do we imagine feeling fear, right?  Perhaps the better question is why do we feel fear?

Based on my years of experience I have come to learn that fear is very closely related to our past pain.  I mean, how do we know to be afraid of something unless we have experienced pain there before?  Take a child, for example, who may be completely fearless around a stove, until it burns its hand.  Afterward, the same child will experience fear around touching the stove.  Isn’t this what happens to us when we have our heart broken, when we are rejected, when we are judged and persecuted, or when we experience physical pain, like perhaps falling off a bike?

I know, you want me to explain the fear of flying.  After all, if you had crashed with an airplane, you wouldn’t be alive to experience any fear of flying.  So, why do some of us experience it?  Well, I venture to say that you probably have crashed with an airplane, but it happened in another lifetime.  This brings up the question of past lifetimes, which may very well be a question in your mind, but is not a question in mine.  Over the course of many years of healing work I have witnessed many fears experienced by my clients in present time that originated from pain they have experienced in other lifetimes.

As such, feeling fear has nothing to do with the reality of a threat in present time.  Our fear is based on our past.  The only basis fear has in our present is that the circumstances may look similar to that of our past.  In fact, our fear can very much distort our perception of our present, because while it may look similar it may not be the same at all.  And we tend to project our past onto our present.  I venture to say that our fear is real, because it is based on real pain.  However, the present time danger may not be real at all.

Fear is a big part of our very primitive survival mechanism.  It is based on the probability that we may experience pain under similar circumstances as we have in our past.  All pain, by the way, is considered anti survival, no matter if physical, mental or emotional.  This is just how primitive our survival mechanism is.  It doesn’t differentiate between a potentially life threatening situation and one where the perceived threat is mental or emotional.  Is it any wonder that according to statistics our fear of public speaking can be greater than that of dying?  And just how well is fear aiding in our survival?  Let’s take a look.

Perhaps you have heard or even experienced how fear can paralyze us, or cause us to hesitate in crucial moments, or cause us to place unjustified judgements on people or situations.  Imagine a police officer hesitating using his or her gun when being shot at.  Imagine feeling paralyzed standing in the doorway while facing a bear, when what is called for is to act quickly, step back and close the door.  Imagine someone panicking under water as they are being dunged over and over, and because they are panicked they keep trying to come up for air in the same place.  On the other hand, if they were not panic stricken they might swim out a foot or two and would be able to come up for air.  Imagine being falsely accused because of someone’s fear.  How many of us have been accused of witch craft and persecuted in our past lifetimes because of our psychic or healing abilities, because someone was afraid of our powers?  And how well did the accuser fair when killing the very person that could help him heal?  Imagine one partner falsely accusing the other of cheating out of fear of being betrayed, destroying the relationship in the process.

What about all those times when we experience fear in the wake of no threat?  How is fear serving us then?  How about when it is part of our soul’s purpose to speak in public, and because of our fear we rather forgo living an inspired life?   How about when we meet our soul mate, and because of our fear of a possible heart break, we bypass the love of our life?  How about when we’re guided to the person who can help us most on our spiritual path, and then we second guess ourselves, preventing ourselves from getting the help we need?  How about when we forgo investing in ourselves out of fear of not having enough, and ultimately prevent ourselves from having all the abundance we deserve?  How about when our fear prohibits us from leaving our house, driving our car, or flying an airplane?  We may be surviving, but are we thriving?  Are we living the life we are meant to live?

Perhaps then the more important question is, should we allow our fear to guide our actions?  A shaman once taught me that we should never allow our emotions to guide us.  Our emotions are far too temporary and volatile to be a dependable guide.  The purpose of our emotions is to express.  Our actions and decisions should be guided by our spirit, our higher self, which knows the bigger picture, is the source of our inner power and love, and always has our highest good in mind.

So, how do we get past the fear factor?

First and foremost, it helps to recognize when we are coming from a place of fear.  If we are experiencing fear, anxiety, panic, stress, anger or any other upsetting emotions, surely we are subconsciously connected to our unresolved past, and our perception of our present time may be skewed.  At the same time, we can’t be connected to our inner power and love.  However, if we are emotionally neutral about a situation, we can safely assume that we have a clear connection to our higher self.  Spirit shows up as a sense of knowing.  It doesn’t come attached with emotions.

Recognizing which place we are coming from, we can make better choices.  We can choose not to act from a place of fear, where we don’t see clearly.  In the case of fear urging us to act, we can choose not to act.  We can choose to postpone making any major decisions.   In the case of fear preventing us from taking action, we can choose to feel the fear and do it anyway.  I’m not saying that this is easy.  This may not be easy at all, depending on the intensity of your fear, which is directly related to the intensity of your past pain.  This is, by the way, where spiritual blocks come from.  They can be very powerful.  You may or may not be able to overcome your fear by shear will power.

But we can overcome our fear by smart power.  Here is the secret to overcoming fear.  We have to heal our past pain, the source of our fear.  In the absents of pain there is no fear.  Given the same situation that had us tied up in knots before, we can now confront it completely unfazed and remain connected to our inner power and love.  And unlike fear, our spirit will always steer us correctly.

You don’t have to keep living with fear!  Spiritual healing is the answer.  Spiritual healing is about transformation, transformation of our unresolved past pain into wisdom.  Healing our pain also helps us rise vibrationally into the higher dimensions.  Pain is generally heavy on the soul.  Thus when transformed into wisdom we feel lighter.   This is why now, during ascension, is such a crucial time for us to heal.  We are now more than ever before supported to do just that.

If you would like help in this area, please contact me for an appointment at 303.638.2696.

So, you are not feeling so well?

Are you experiencing bloating and indigestion?

Are you feeling tired?

sick_smiley[5]Are you feeling depressed?

Are you experiencing some fear or anxiety?

Are you feeling stressed?

Do you feel disconnected and alone?

Do you feel like you are in a brain fog?

 IF YOU ANSWERED YES TO MOST OR ALL OF THE QUESTIONS, most likely you are keyed into some past unresolved experience.  The good news is that you can resolve all your symptoms through spiritual healing. 

 Unresolved experiences are exactly that, experiences you have not fully resolved.  You might be surprised how many of these unresolved experiences, of which you are completely unaware, you actually carry.  In a nutshell, these are experiences where you have suffered some sort of pain you haven’t fully dealt with.  The pain could have been emotional, physical or mental.  It also could have occurred in this lifetime or in another lifetime. 

You may have some recollection of what happened to you in this lifetime, but you probably have no recollection of what happened to you in another lifetime.  You also might be surprised how many people I’ve seen over the years who thought they have dealt with their pain and they actually had not. 

In a very simplistic explanation, this is how it works.  A situation that is somewhat similar energetically will connect youSmiley_Idea with your past unresolved experience.  This happens far below your conscious awareness.  Suddenly you may find yourself emotionally down.  It is very likely your immune system will drop too.  This can be the cause of anything from a sudden onset of a headache to you feeling depressed or falling sick. 

Here is a very simple scenario which may make sense to you.  Say, for example, you have lost your daughter two years ago.  Your favored Holiday on which you spend time with her is fast approaching.  Anticipating this Holiday, you suddenly find yourself depressed and come down with a cold.  Of course, you may say.  That’s natural.  But, what if you get sick on Holidays for no apparent reason?  And what if the reason lies in a past lifetime that you don’t remember?  What if you don’t even believe that you’ve lived before?  And what if in your past lifetime your drunk father used to beat the crap out of you every time he was home for the Holidays?  By the way, it doesn’t seem to matter whether you believe it or not.  It works just the same.

Yes, I agree, these are natural reactions to the pain we’ve experienced.  But, what if you could heal that pain to such a degree that a reminder of it wouldn’t take you out each time?  …where you could remember your daughter, for example, without getting depressed or sick.  Well, it can be done.  I help people do it all the time. 

Please feel free to review some client testimonials!

So, you are not feeling so well, you say?  Well, what if you and I could help you feel better through some spiritual healing? 

Below are additional symptoms you could be experiencing as a result of your unresolved past:

You may be feeling stuck.

You may be struggling with an illness.

You could be having intense dreams.

You could be experiencing physical pains and aches.

You also may have visited various doctors or even alternative healthcare practitioners and they either can’t figure out what is wrong with you or nothing they are doing is helping you.

  But, if I don’t have recollection of what happened to me, how can I heal it? 

That is an excellent question!  This is what I specialize in, working with your subconscious and helping you uncover the answers deep within your soul.  No, I don’t hypnotize you.  I work with you in a light meditative state in which you are fully aware of everything.  However, you do have to be ready spiritually to deal with your baggage.  I can’t do it for you.  I simply guide you through the process of your own healing.  

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?  Are you ready to deal with your stuff? 

smiley_pouce1Then I dare you to call me and setup an appointment!  Lets start with a full 90 min evaluation, at the end of which I will give you an approximate estimation of the number of sessions it will take to resolve your issues based on your goals.   I can work with you in person if you are local, or I can work with you over the phone or via skype.  Long distance is not a problem!  Let’s get you feeling better!

Call for your appointment today!


My Personal Journey to Independence!

True Freedom really comes from within.  If you are living in fear and worry, you are not truly free.  At the same time, you are not connected with your power, and you are manifesting more of that which you are afraid of.  Your physical reality is always a reflection of your inner self.  I recently have completed a phase in my spiritual journey of liberating myself from my own enslaving beliefs and unresolved experiences.

Deep within my core I believed that the owner of property was far more powerful and valuable than the person who lacked in ownership.  What a crock, you may say!  Of course, that is not true!  Well, I knew that.  …in my head.  But your intellect is far from your spiritual knowing that comes from your experiences.  No matter what I thought, this belief was so ingrained with me, every cell in my body screamed that this was the truth.  After all, I’ve lived it.  I’ve experienced it.  ….over numerous lifetimes.  How is one simple thought to measure up against a multitude of experiences saying otherwise?

But… I was ready to heal this and as spirit would have it no other way, I was presented with just the right circumstances that would help me face this.  So over the past two years or so I’ve been dealing with landlords who would connect me with my painful truths and beliefs; that I was powerless unless I owned, that I had no rights unless I owned and that I had no value unless I owned.  Additionally, they would present me with energies of suppression and control around my home, which undoubtedly went all the way back to and beyond the time when my family escaped our home country due to the occupation of communism – all about suppression and control.  Fortunately, I had the right tools and understood, neither of which, by the way, made connecting with my old pain any less painful.  I knew that all of my beliefs, fears and feelings of powerlessness came from my unresolved experiences.  So, I proceeded to heal these unresolved experiences each time I connected with them through the circumstances as they presented themselves.  This wasn’t just one healing session that I held with my self.  These were numerous healing sessions over the course of about a year and a half.  And as a result, I recently was finally able to connect with my power and act from within my power amidst circumstances that would normally render me powerless.  And I am proud to say that I have finally won my own battle and my own independence, much evidenced by my current circumstances!

Since I don’t believe in coincidences, I can only assume that it was by divine design that all this came to a head and I won my battle just in the nick of time for Independence Day.  Never a shortage of divine sense of humor!   ….nor of the amazing orchestration on our behalf and our soul’s journey!  My utmost thanks with much gratitude to the universe, my spirit, my guides, my angels and all the people who participated in my journey!

My wish for you is that you too may win your battles and acquire your personal independence, for that is the only true freedom there is!



It’s Time to Take Our Power Back!

I’m sure a lots of you have heard about the changing energies we are experiencing.  As a contributing author, I would like to share with you a portion of my chapter titled “It’s Time to Take Our Power Back” from the book “R*eve*olution – The Return of the Divine Feminine” – compiled by Denye Robbins.  It’s comprised of 40 global women leaders who share their stories of passion, purpose, love and service.

We are coming out of an era of fear, force, control, suppression and separateness; and we are entering the era of love, flow, letting go, allowing and unification.  We are leaving the era of trusting the external: governments, systems, money, authority and television; and we are entering the era of trusting the internal: ourselves, our inner guidance systems, our spirits, our hearts and our wisdom.

May I share with you that it is not governments who govern.  It is you who governs.  It is not money that is your resource.  It is you who is your resource.  It is not laws that guide you.  It is your spirit that guides you. It is not some agency that is your authority.  It is your heart that is your authority.  It is not television but your wisdom that is the source of quality knowledge.  It is all in the power of your spirit!

If you think that nothing is what it seems, that’s because it isn’t.  We have allowed doctors to be the authority on our health, yet it is you and only you who can heal yourself.  We look to change things on the outside, yet the only place we can change things is on our inside.  We have created computers to have less paper and more time, yet we have more paper and less time.  We look to money to solve our problems and look to love as the source of all problems, yet it is love that sustains and heals us, not money.  We spent our life accumulating material possessions at the expense of foregoing valuable experiences, yet we get to take with us when we die only our experiences and none of our possessions.  We have substituted caring for being politically correct.  We have created quick fixes and more problems.  We are the country of most freedoms and yet we incarcerate the most people of all countries.  We preserve our food to last longer, yet we have shortened our health.  In a world where Twinkie has come to outlive us, we live poorly and die well; well preserved, that is.  We have created drugs to not feel, yet we hurt more.  We have created more laws and less responsibility.  We have rejected nature because of its imperfections, and with our perfect chemicals we have created imbalances that are destroying us, failing to realize that we are not above but rather a part of nature.

We keep lowering our educational standards to make ourselves look better instead of increasing our standards and teaching our youth more.  We want to change the world, and the only thing we can change is ourselves.  We start wars trying to teach peace.  We have big healthcare systems and more sick people.  We spend millions of dollars on medical research and have no cures.  We have fast means of communication, fax machines and mobile phones, and no time to talk to our kids.  We have money and no value.  We have food and no nourishment.  We have medicine and no health.  We have more jails and less functioning families.  We have more information and less sense.  Isn’t it maybe time for change?  Well, it isn’t government who is going to change things.  We are!  You and I!

So, how do we change things?  It has to start with each one of us individually.  The only thing we can change is ourselves.  Understand that we can’t fully move into the new energies of love, personal power, flow, oneness and allowing until we release the old energies we’ve been living; fear, force, control, suppression and separateness.  We carry the old energies in our unresolved experiences.  So long as we carry them in our spiritual energy, we keep creating with them.  In order to release them, we must heal and integrate our unresolved experiences.  Only then can we create something different.

What is Abundance, Really? Part II


In Part I of my blog I concluded that abundance has nothing to do with money, as I have observed that even in the presents of a lot of money we can still experience fear of not having enough.

So, what exactly is abundance?  Where does it come from?  And how do we acquire it?

Consider for a moment that abundance is a sense of knowing with certainty that there is enough, unaccompanied by any fear or worry.  Much like how we feel about the air we breathe.  Do we worry every time we take a breath whether there will be enough air?  No.  We just breathe.  And every time we draw a breath, indeed there is enough.  Could we have the same sense of knowing about love, friends, water, food, clothing, shelter, beauty, resources, success, fun and even money?

Consider the possibility that abundance is available to us as part of our natural flow of life, much like the air we breathe.  Now consider for a moment that our spirit and the divine energy we are a part of is the source of life that nourishes us and is our timeless and limitless resource we will never run out of!  When we are connected to this life force we have access to all the abundance that already exists.  Thus our sense of knowing that there is enough comes from our connection to our life source, our spirit.

Why then do some of us not experience this sense of knowing, but rather to the contrary?  Why do some of us experience fear of not having enough or fear of running out?  Why do some of us experience lack in the midst of such abundance?

We all have experienced fear at some point or another.  Interestingly, it seems that in the moment of experiencing fear we also feel most disconnected from spirit, the very essence of life that nourishes and creates.  And when we act from fear we strangle the natural flow of life thus blocking our access to the abundance that already is.

Fear seems an effective survival mechanism in emergencies warning us of anything life threatening.  However, it doesn’t seem to serve us as well in the long run.  I’m talking about the fear we experience in the face of no immediate threat.  Where does it come from and why do we feel it?

Throughout my years of spiritual healing I have come to learn that fear comes from our unresolved past and exists in the presents of pain.  If we have previously been bitten by a dog, we now may fear dogs.  If we have previously experienced starvation, we may now be experiencing fear of not having enough to eat.  If we have previously experienced poverty, we may now be experiencing fear of not having enough resources to survive.  You get the picture.  While you are thinking about your own life experiences, consider the possibility that you may have lived more than once.

It is in the wake of our unresolved experiences we view the world through the glasses of fear and not only do we see the world as such, but we create the world as such.  Consider the possibility that we manifest our reality and we do so energetically.  Thus when we carry in our energy field unresolved experiences, we also create with them.  In other words, if we carry a fear of not having enough, our reality will reflect it by “not having enough”.  Our reality always reflects our spiritual energy because we create with it.

In conclusion, limitless abundance is available to us as part of our spiritual energy and natural flow of life.  However, unhealed pain distorts our reality and disconnects us from our natural way of being.

In “Part I” of my blog I ask the question “just how much money is enough?”  In light of our new perspective, I would like to answer that question by saying that no amount of money will ever be enough!  Not if we are attempting to suffocate our fears and worries with money!  How do I know this?  Well, lets just say I’ve attempted this for years!  Without much success, I might add.

We will never fix what’s inside of us with an external remedy.  No amount of money will substitute the power of our spiritual energy.  However, once we remedy what’s inside of us, we have a chance at seeing it reflected in our reality by actually experiencing having enough.

So, how then do we eliminate fear and worry, if all the money in the world can’t?  How do we get back to our natural state of being where we are properly connected to our life source?

In my personal experience, spiritual healing will do just that. Fear exists in the presents of pain.  I’m talking about the pain we have experienced but haven’t fully digested.  In the process of healing, as we integrate our painful experiences and transform our pain into wisdom, fear dissipates.  In the absence of fear and worry we can properly connect with our inner self, our essence, our life source and all the abundance that already exists with our natural state of being.

My wish for you then is that in your search for abundance you may find yourself and discover that you are the abundance you seek!

May you experience real abundance!
