Are you experiencing bloating and indigestion?
Are you feeling tired?
Are you feeling depressed?
Are you experiencing some fear or anxiety?
Are you feeling stressed?
Do you feel disconnected and alone?
Do you feel like you are in a brain fog?
IF YOU ANSWERED YES TO MOST OR ALL OF THE QUESTIONS, most likely you are keyed into some past unresolved experience. The good news is that you can resolve all your symptoms through spiritual healing.
Unresolved experiences are exactly that, experiences you have not fully resolved. You might be surprised how many of these unresolved experiences, of which you are completely unaware, you actually carry. In a nutshell, these are experiences where you have suffered some sort of pain you haven’t fully dealt with. The pain could have been emotional, physical or mental. It also could have occurred in this lifetime or in another lifetime.
You may have some recollection of what happened to you in this lifetime, but you probably have no recollection of what happened to you in another lifetime. You also might be surprised how many people I’ve seen over the years who thought they have dealt with their pain and they actually had not.
In a very simplistic explanation, this is how it works. A situation that is somewhat similar energetically will connect you
with your past unresolved experience. This happens far below your conscious awareness. Suddenly you may find yourself emotionally down. It is very likely your immune system will drop too. This can be the cause of anything from a sudden onset of a headache to you feeling depressed or falling sick.
Here is a very simple scenario which may make sense to you. Say, for example, you have lost your daughter two years ago. Your favored Holiday on which you spend time with her is fast approaching. Anticipating this Holiday, you suddenly find yourself depressed and come down with a cold. Of course, you may say. That’s natural. But, what if you get sick on Holidays for no apparent reason? And what if the reason lies in a past lifetime that you don’t remember? What if you don’t even believe that you’ve lived before? And what if in your past lifetime your drunk father used to beat the crap out of you every time he was home for the Holidays? By the way, it doesn’t seem to matter whether you believe it or not. It works just the same.
Yes, I agree, these are natural reactions to the pain we’ve experienced. But, what if you could heal that pain to such a degree that a reminder of it wouldn’t take you out each time? …where you could remember your daughter, for example, without getting depressed or sick. Well, it can be done. I help people do it all the time.
Please feel free to review some client testimonials!
So, you are not feeling so well, you say? Well, what if you and I could help you feel better through some spiritual healing?
Below are additional symptoms you could be experiencing as a result of your unresolved past:
You may be feeling stuck.
You may be struggling with an illness.
You could be having intense dreams.
You could be experiencing physical pains and aches.
You also may have visited various doctors or even alternative healthcare practitioners and they either can’t figure out what is wrong with you or nothing they are doing is helping you.
But, if I don’t have recollection of what happened to me, how can I heal it?
That is an excellent question! This is what I specialize in, working with your subconscious and helping you uncover the answers deep within your soul. No, I don’t hypnotize you. I work with you in a light meditative state in which you are fully aware of everything. However, you do have to be ready spiritually to deal with your baggage. I can’t do it for you. I simply guide you through the process of your own healing.
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Are you ready to deal with your stuff?
Then I dare you to call me and setup an appointment! Lets start with a full 90 min evaluation, at the end of which I will give you an approximate estimation of the number of sessions it will take to resolve your issues based on your goals. I can work with you in person if you are local, or I can work with you over the phone or via skype. Long distance is not a problem! Let’s get you feeling better!
Call for your appointment today!