Tag Archives: personal power

My Personal Journey to Independence!

True Freedom really comes from within.  If you are living in fear and worry, you are not truly free.  At the same time, you are not connected with your power, and you are manifesting more of that which you are afraid of.  Your physical reality is always a reflection of your inner self.  I recently have completed a phase in my spiritual journey of liberating myself from my own enslaving beliefs and unresolved experiences.

Deep within my core I believed that the owner of property was far more powerful and valuable than the person who lacked in ownership.  What a crock, you may say!  Of course, that is not true!  Well, I knew that.  …in my head.  But your intellect is far from your spiritual knowing that comes from your experiences.  No matter what I thought, this belief was so ingrained with me, every cell in my body screamed that this was the truth.  After all, I’ve lived it.  I’ve experienced it.  ….over numerous lifetimes.  How is one simple thought to measure up against a multitude of experiences saying otherwise?

But… I was ready to heal this and as spirit would have it no other way, I was presented with just the right circumstances that would help me face this.  So over the past two years or so I’ve been dealing with landlords who would connect me with my painful truths and beliefs; that I was powerless unless I owned, that I had no rights unless I owned and that I had no value unless I owned.  Additionally, they would present me with energies of suppression and control around my home, which undoubtedly went all the way back to and beyond the time when my family escaped our home country due to the occupation of communism – all about suppression and control.  Fortunately, I had the right tools and understood, neither of which, by the way, made connecting with my old pain any less painful.  I knew that all of my beliefs, fears and feelings of powerlessness came from my unresolved experiences.  So, I proceeded to heal these unresolved experiences each time I connected with them through the circumstances as they presented themselves.  This wasn’t just one healing session that I held with my self.  These were numerous healing sessions over the course of about a year and a half.  And as a result, I recently was finally able to connect with my power and act from within my power amidst circumstances that would normally render me powerless.  And I am proud to say that I have finally won my own battle and my own independence, much evidenced by my current circumstances!

Since I don’t believe in coincidences, I can only assume that it was by divine design that all this came to a head and I won my battle just in the nick of time for Independence Day.  Never a shortage of divine sense of humor!   ….nor of the amazing orchestration on our behalf and our soul’s journey!  My utmost thanks with much gratitude to the universe, my spirit, my guides, my angels and all the people who participated in my journey!

My wish for you is that you too may win your battles and acquire your personal independence, for that is the only true freedom there is!
