Tag Archives: twin flames

Happy Valentines Day!

Wishing all of you Twin Flames, Soul Mates, beautiful couples and especially those beautiful souls who are single a very special VALENTINES DAY!

May you treat yourself with LOVE and enjoy a magical day.

I wish to share with you on this particular day a very special love poem I wrote years ago….   Enjoy!

Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places, Dear Spirit of Mine.

I searched the world.

I searched for years to find my guy,

the one and only love of mine,

like you dear Spirit of mine,

unconditionally and always with the best for me in mind.

I looked for the guy who’d be my knight and shining armor,

my hero, my dragon slayer,

who’d protect me come rain or shine,

like you dear Spirit of mine.

I looked across the ocean miles,

I looked everywhere,

for the guy whom I could count on, trust and who would care.

I even searched in the darkest of places to find him,

the one and only love of mine.

Surely, I thought, he must be there somewhere hidden in the dark of the darkest of corners,

since I couldn’t find him in the bright of shine.

I searched everywhere for the guy who’d love me,

like you dear Spirit of mine.

It was you I trusted and I knew you’d help me find my guy.

I was growing desperate to find the guy who’d love me,

like you dear Spirit of mine.

I finally asked you for help and you agreed to help me find that guy.

You promised and I still could not see,

the love that only you had for me.

It was then that you made me look in the darkest of hearts and I finally saw,

that which there was not,

the love I’d been looking for.

Without it I was lost.

So for the longest time I wouldn’t dare see it not.

You had me again search in the darkest of hearts so that I could finally see,

see what there was not.

It was in the reflection of an empty heart that I finally saw the substance in mine.

I had to see first what there was not, in order to see,

what there was within me, my Spirit, within me.

It was then that I realized, it was you I’d been looking for all this time,

dear Spirit of mine.

You were the one who loved me,

you were my guy.

You were my knight in shining armor, my hero, my protector came rain or shine.

You were the one who loved me unconditionally all this time.

It was you I counted on and trusted, dear Spirit of mine.

Especially in my weakest of moments, you were the one who always cared

and had my best interest in mind.

I was looking for love in all the wrong hearts, when all along you were inside of mine.

You, dear Spirit, you were the true essence of me,

I so desperately needed to find.

So, you think you might have met your Twin Flame?

And if so, then perhaps you are wondering how to deal with the intensity?  Here is a bit of information that may help you gain some clarity.  Let’s first answer a few questions.

1004878_485959011493545_1377299262_nSo, you’ve met your match made in heaven?

You are so intensely drawn to this person, it’s almost scary?

Your heavenly match behaves in a way that is emotionally painful or upsetting to you?

The intensity between the two of you is almost too much?  You haven’t felt anything like it before?il_570xN.591630749_l1wz

Sometimes all you want to do is move to never-never-land, disconnect your phone and burn all bridges behind you?

It’s too painful to be with them and too painful to be without them?

IF YOU ANSWERED YES TO ALL THE QUESTIONS, most likely you have met your Twin Flame and have some baggage to work through.


754083-800x600-103197435xxynlw_ph1A Twin Flame is literally the other half of your soul.  You were born as one soul at one point in time and then split into two.  Each of you has become a whole separate individual.  Twin Flames love each other unconditionally.  No matter what they have been through, they will always love each other.  You will never experience this kind of love with anyone else.  Right now Twin Flames are coming together in record numbers for the purpose of healing, working out old karma and spiritual growth.

Because we are in the midst of a spiritual energetic shift and we are moving into higher dimensions, it is of utmost importance that we resolve our personal karma.  This is an integral part of the process of increasing our personal vibration, making it possible for each individual to rise into the higher dimensions.

 Twin Flames mirror each other one hundred percent, thus forcing each other to deal with all their baggage.  By baggage I am referring to the unresolved painful experiences from our past.  I also call this karma.  It is this unresolved business that adds significantly to the intensity between Twin Flames.   It feels much like stabbing a knife into an old wound.  On a spiritual level the hope is that when we connect with our baggage, we will resolve it.  The natural process of resolving our karma on the physical plane may take years, even lifetimes of creating and living out the drama of our unresolved issues trying to learn our lessons.  With spiritual healing this can be accomplished in a matter of hours. 

Twin Flame Pic 1 2I personally have experienced the Twin Flame phenomenon.  In 2005 I unsuspectingly met my Twin Flame.  It was such a profound experience I wrote a book about it, “Meeting My Twin Flame”.  I quickly learned that the only escape from the painful parts of the relationship was spiritual healing.  One can easily feel stuck between a rock and a hard place in a TF relationship.  While it can be excruciatingly painful to be with your Twin Flame, it can be just as painful to be apart from them.  And sometimes Twin Flames need to separate before coming back together again because of their baggage.

The best advice I ever got was from a shaman to make medicine out of it!  Thus I will tell you, focus on yourself and resolving your own baggage.  It doesn’t matter what your TF does or doesn’t do.  You don’t have any control over what they do anyway.  Your Twin Flame, like everyone else, has free will.  Keep in mind that you can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped.  I’ve come to learn that the hard way.  Also, most likely your Twin Flame is busy mirroring your baggage to you and therefore can’t move on until you heal your stuff.  However, you can do your part and heal yourself and resolve your baggage, bringing you closer to coming together with your TF in a more healthy way.  Even if you are just working on yourself, the spiritual healing will shift the relationship dynamic enough to cause your TF to change at least their responds to you.

523509_242821195820944_1142290982_nThere is a place in the gulf of Alaska where two oceans meet, but do not mix.  It is like the perfect relationship.  You meet in the middle, but you don’t lose yourself in the other.  You remain two whole and independent individuals in a healthy relationship with self and each other.  And that is the ultimate goal you want to achieve.

If any of this resonates with you, I would like to guide you through your personal spiritual healing journey that will ultimately help you achieve harmony with your Twin Flame.

This is a life changing process that will improve every aspect of your life.

If you are uncertain whether you have actually met your Twin Flame or whether spiritual healing would benefit you, you might consider a 30 min clairvoyant reading and consultation with me to gain clarity about your specific situation.

If you are ready to resolve your karma and improve your life, 

Call to setup your appointment today!


 Not quite ready to take this much action? 

LIKE my facebook page www.facebook.com/twinflamerelationships

Also you may like to watch my video “Introduction to Twin Flames”

Let The Love Flow – A Message For You Twin Flames Out There…

This is an excerpt from a channeled message from the being Kyron through David Brown back in 2010.  I ran across it this morning.  It was emailed to me by a friend a while ago.  I thought I’d share it with you who are in a twin flame relationship.  As you probably know twin flame relationships can be very difficult and out of this world because a twin flame relationship brings forth and magnifies all that needs to be healed.  How do I know?  I am in one.  At the same time meeting your twin flame is a gift from God.  After all, your twin flame is literally the other half of your soul and everything you are experiencing with your twin, no matter how painful, comes from unconditional love… to help you heal.  If you have difficulty grasping this, perhaps I can recommend a book for you to read that is absolutely phenomenal and shares a point of view from the spiritual angle unlike any other you may have considered.  I would highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in healing any relationship and/or wants to understand relationships.  It’s called: “Radical Forgiveness”  by Colin Tipping.  For those of you who haven’t met your twin flame yet, perhaps you will soon…

Excerpt from the channeled message:

“You will find your twin flame here on this earth and you will create a world with your twin flame; your twin flame is that part of you that left the divine at the beginning of time, it is the opposite aspect of your energy and you will become healed enough to live in love and peace with your twin flame, with that part of you that you belong with.  This takes inner work and you are being supported by the planets, by the energies that flow between planets, by Spirit, and you are being supported through your guidance and through every way that we in Spirit world can support you.”

If you would like to read the whole channeled message, here is the link http://spiritlibrary.com/kryon-south-africa/allow-the-love-to-flow

Anyway, reading this excerpt gives me great hope in the light of pain and confusion.  Perhaps you’ll feel the same way.  If you believe you are in a twin flame relationship and would like to share your experience/s, I would love to hear them.