Tag Archives: soul

So, what is Spiritual Healing anyway?

When we experience pain, whether physical, emotional or mental, sometimes it is so intense that we can’t deal with it in the moment and we tend to “shove” it, set it aside.  In other words, we don’t fully digest the experience.  When this happens it becomes a piece of unfinished business attached to our soul.  Our soul wants to learn from our experiences; good, bad or ugly.  However, it cannot learn from those experiences which we haven’t digested.  It’s kind of like our bodies cannot get the nutrients from an undigested piece of brocoli.  The energy in the unhealed experience is live and continues to affect us.  By energy is meant all the emotions in the original experience.  Similar circumstances can trigger these emotions or key us into the experience so that we emotionally re-live it.  More often than not we don’t realize that that’s what’s happening.  We think we are simply having a reaction to our current circumstances.  Although the current circumstances may have triggered it, we are really re-experiencing the unhealed past.  Once we heal the experience, we don’t react to the current.  We are able to act rather than re-act because we are much calmer and centered.

Such unhealed past experiences are where most fear, anxiety, stress, depression and recurring pain come from.  Your soul will keep creating circumstances and drawing to you just the right people to keep reminding you of what needs healing – simply because your soul wants to learn from your experience.  Spiritual healing allows for the past experience to be properly digested and the pain to be transformed to wisdom.  Aside from your soul’s learning you actually get to experience relief from all those unpleasant emotions as well as recurring similar circumstances or recurring physical pain.  A lot of your unhealed experiences may reside in past lives you are completely unaware of.

Even though our natural tendency is to not want to re-visit painful areas of our lives, it really behooves us to re-visit for the purpose of healing.  We never re-experience the full intensity of the original experience, anyway.  Possibly only 10% or so.  We will, however, continue to re-live the past over an over if we don’t heal it, as our soul will not allow us to ignore it.  What we resist persists.  Only when we heal, can we finally let go.  Why keep holding onto the pain?  By not wanting to face our pain we only keep creating more of it.